Questions You Must Consider Before Our Intake Call

Your responses to the following questions are crucial in helping us understand your situation and provide you with the best possible assistance.

In order for us to effectively advocate on your behalf, it is essential that your answers are clear, truthful, and concise. The information you provide will enable us to assess the details of your case and determine the appropriate course of action. Please take the time to thoughtfully consider each question and provide as much detail as possible. Your cooperation ensures that we can work together towards achieving a positive outcome. Thank you for entrusting us with your legal matters.

  1. What happened to you that you believe was illegal, discriminatory, or retaliatory, and when did it happen?

  2. What reasons were given to you for this job action?

  3. Who do you believe was responsible for this action?

  4. On what basis do you believe you were discriminated against?

  5. Why do you think you were discriminated against?

  6. Did you report this to anyone or oppose it in any way?

  7. Why do you believe you were discharged?

  8. What reasons were provided to you?

  9. Do you disagree? Why

  10. Timeline of Events Leading to Harm and Discharge

  11. Were you treated differently? If so, how? By whom? Do you believe it was discrimination? On what basis?

  12. Why do you think it was discrimination?

  13. How can we prove it was discrimination?

  14. Was it retaliation?

  15. Did you speak up against discrimination?

  16. Did you speak up against wrongdoing?

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